Thursday, March 8, 2012

Michi's Ladder: Rank your food's nutrition.

Michi's Ladder is a great resource for anyone trying to eat better. This helpful tool from Beachbody breaks different commons foods down in to 5 "tiers" ranking them from least to most nutritious. Foods in the top tier are generally fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins with more processed foods falling in to the  lower levels. The challenge is then to "climb Michi's Ladder" by eating more and more foods from the top tiers. One of the best things about this tool is that each food is paired with a letter indicating it's main macronutrient(s). For example an apple would be marked with a "c" because it mainly provides carbohydrates. This makes trading less nutritious foods for higher tier foods simple. Lest say you get a good amount of your carbohydrates from white bread (a tier 4 food) all you would have to do is switch that carb for one in a higher tier such as whole grain rice (a tier 1 food). Most important is gaining an understanding of what kind of foods are the best to consume regularly. While not all foods are included in Michi's Ladder, after studying this tool you should be able to get a good idea of where your diet stands. Additionally, you will have a better grasp on the nutritional value of the foods you consume and how you can adjust your meals accordingly.

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