Saturday, November 16, 2013

Stick It! : Making Healthy Habits Survive the Test of Temptation and Time.


It seems we all know people who are at the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to health and fitness. There are the 3-gym trips a day, veggie-munching fitness freaks and the "I know I should.....but" population. The health fanatics are on the "highway"; always going, always conscious. In contrast, those who find excuses are stuck in the city gridlock; they start up a lot but they never get further than a block with a new healthy habit before braking.

So what puts some people on the highway and other in the city? And more importunity where is the entrance ramp?!?

Generally we answer this by putting the "highway" people on a pedestal: assuming they are just more iron-clad and driven by nature. This is simply not true. While there is some evidence that suggests self-regulating food (among other) choices is inherently easier for some people, chances are most people that are on the "highway" aren't there for the sole purpose of being the healthiest person they know. That is, they have a constant motivation for staying healthy that makes the idea of maintaining healthy lifestyle less of a chore. In fact, it becomes more like an enjoyable center of their life. This is what keeps the highway people consistently healthy; eating well and exercising has essentially become woven into their daily routines, hobbies, social groups, and jobs.

Finding and embracing health-related activities and interests is therefore essentially the on-ramp to a highway lifestyle. Luckily, that doesn't mean you need to start training for a marathon today, or ever for that matter! The key is to find something you genuinely ENJOY. That could be a recreational sport, some personal time spent walking each day, or perhaps even a weekly trip to the farmer's market. Whatever you find, so long as it gets you moving, eating well, and feeling good: own it! Take pride in your new habits and remember that this change isn't about surviving x-number of weeks in some detested boot camp workout program. It's about creating your own version of a happier, healthier lifestyle.

So what healthy activities do you enjoy most?

(for me it's simply spending a morning preparing some farm fresh samples of local food at the market!)